Homework 1
Last updated: Tue, 22 Sep 2020 15:09:16 -0400
Out: Wed Sept 16, 00:00 EST Due: Tues Sept 22, 23:59 EST
This assignment involves exploring deterministic finite automata (DFAs) using code.
Homework Problems
Submit your solution to this assignment in Gradescope hw1.
- a Makefile with the following targets:
run-hw1-intersection (optional)
a README containing the required information,
and finally, files containing the solution to each problem.
1 A Data Representation for DFAs
Q is a finite set called the states,
\Sigma is a finite set called the alphabet,
\delta:Q\times\Sigma\rightarrow Q is the transition function,
q_0\in Q is the start state, and
F\subseteq Q is the set of accept states.
Since most of the course material on DFAs involves designing, running them, and proofs by construction, we will use programming as a nice way to get hands-on experience.
Your Tasks
Design a data representation for the DFAs from the textbook. You may use objects, structs, or anything else available in your language.
Implement your data representation in your chosen language.
Write a predicate (a function or method that returns true or false) that takes an input string and an instance of your DFA and "runs" it on the DFA. It should return true if the DFA accepts the input, and false otherwise.
(There won’t be any explicit tests for this problem, though you’ll need this implementation to do the rest of the homework.)
2 A Regular Language
Create an instance of your DFA recognizing the language:
A = \{w \mid \textrm{length of } w \textrm{ is at least } 3\}
You may assume it has alphabet \Sigma=\{0,1\}.
Recall that a language is regular if some finite automaton recognizes it.
Thus your solution proves that A is a regular language.
Your Task
Implement an instance of your DFA recognizing language A.
Your solution will be tested as follows:
Input (from stdin): a string in alphabet \Sigma
Expected Output (to stdout): accept if input is in A, reject otherwise
Makefile target name: run-hw1-regular
printf "000111" | make -sf Makefile run-hw1-regular
Output: accept
printf "1" | make -sf Makefile run-hw1-regular
Output: reject
3 DFAs and the Language They Recognize
The language that a DFA recognizes is the set of all strings accepted by the DFA.
Your Tasks
Write a function or method that, given an XML file containing an automaton element (see Homework 0, Parsing XML Files), constructs an instance of your DFA.
Using your predicate from above, write a function or method that, given a DFA, prints all strings in the language that it recognizes, up to strings of length 5, one per line.
You may find your solution to the Sets and Alphabets problem useful here.
Your solution will be tested as follows:
Input (from stdin): XML file name, containing a DFA automaton element
Expected Output (to stdout): all strings in the language of the DFA, up to strings of length 5, one string per line
Makefile target name: run-hw1-dfa
You can test your program with this file named fig1.4.jff containing the DFA from figure 1.4 of the textbook.
printf "fig1.4.jff" | make -sf Makefile run-hw1-dfa
Example2:You can test your program with this file named dfa-empty.jff containing a DFA that only acceps the empty string.
printf "dfa-empty.jff" | make -sf Makefile run-hw1-dfa
Output:(it’s an empty line)
4 Create Your Own DFA
Your Tasks
Write a function that converts an instance of your DFA to an XML string corresponding to an automaton element.
Design and implement any a DFA of your choice. Write it to an XML file called dfa.xml using the DFA->XML function you just wrote.
Any valid DFA in a correctly named file will receive credit.
5 The Union Operation
Your Task
Implement the union operation for your DFAs. Specifically, write a function that, given:
a DFA recognizing language A_1, and
a DFA recognizing language A_2
Your solution proves Theorem 1.25 from the book so rereading that will be helpful.
To do this, you’ll need to be able to extract individual components of a DFA instance, e.g., the states, transitions, etc., and use them to create a new DFA.
Your solution will be tested as follows:
Input (from stdin): the names of two XML files, separated by a space, each containing an automaton element representing a DFA
Expected Output (to stdout): an automaton XML string representing a DFA that is the union of the two inputs
Makefile target name: run-hw1-union
You can test your program with these files:printf "dfa-a.xml dfa-b.xml" | make -sf Makefile run-hw1-union
<state id="(1 1)" name="(1 1)"><initial/></state>
<state id="(1 2)" name="(1 2)"><final/></state>
<state id="(1 3)" name="(1 3)"></state>
<state id="(2 1)" name="(2 1)"><final/></state>
<state id="(2 2)" name="(2 2)"><final/></state>
<state id="(2 3)" name="(2 3)"><final/></state>
<state id="(3 1)" name="(3 1)"></state>
<state id="(3 2)" name="(3 2)"><final/></state>
<state id="(3 3)" name="(3 3)"></state>
<transition><from>(1 1)</from><to>(2 3)</to><read>a</read></transition>
<transition><from>(1 1)</from><to>(3 2)</to><read>b</read></transition>
<transition><from>(1 2)</from><to>(2 3)</to><read>a</read></transition>
<transition><from>(1 2)</from><to>(3 3)</to><read>b</read></transition>
<transition><from>(1 3)</from><to>(2 3)</to><read>a</read></transition>
<transition><from>(1 3)</from><to>(3 3)</to><read>b</read></transition>
<transition><from>(2 1)</from><to>(3 3)</to><read>a</read></transition>
<transition><from>(2 1)</from><to>(3 2)</to><read>b</read></transition>
<transition><from>(2 2)</from><to>(3 3)</to><read>a</read></transition>
<transition><from>(2 2)</from><to>(3 3)</to><read>b</read></transition>
<transition><from>(2 3)</from><to>(3 3)</to><read>a</read></transition>
<transition><from>(2 3)</from><to>(3 3)</to><read>b</read></transition>
<transition><from>(3 1)</from><to>(3 3)</to><read>a</read></transition>
<transition><from>(3 1)</from><to>(3 2)</to><read>b</read></transition>
<transition><from>(3 2)</from><to>(3 3)</to><read>a</read></transition>
<transition><from>(3 2)</from><to>(3 3)</to><read>b</read></transition>
<transition><from>(3 3)</from><to>(3 3)</to><read>a</read></transition>
<transition><from>(3 3)</from><to>(3 3)</to><read>b</read></transition>
6 The Intersection Operation (Optional Bonus)
Your Task
Implement intersection for your DFAs. Specifically, write a function that, given:
a DFA recognizing language A_1, and
a DFA recognizing language A_2
This is almost the same as union implemented in The Union Operation. See footnote 3 in the proof of Theorem 1.25 for how to implement intersection.
Then, create a "password checking" machine P that recognizes the intersection of the following languages, i.e., A_1 \cap A_2 \cap A_3 \cap A_4.
You may assume the alphabet \Sigma = {A,B,C,a,b,c,1,2,3,!}.
A_1 = \{w \mid \textrm{length of } w \textrm{ is at least } 3\}
A_2 = \{w \mid w \textrm{ contains an uppercase letter}\}
A_3 = \{w \mid w \textrm{ contains a number}\}
A_4 = \{w \mid w \textrm{ contains a non-alphanumeric symbol}\}
Your solution will be tested as follows:
Input (from stdin): An arbitrary string with chars in alphabet \Sigma
Expected Output (to stdout): good if P accepts the input, bad otherwise.
In addition, the filename for the source code must have the word intersect in it, e.g. hw1-intersection.py
Makefile target name: run-hw1-intersection
printf "abc" | make -sf Makefile run-hw1-intersection
Output: bad
printf "abc1" | make -sf Makefile run-hw1-intersection
Output: bad
printf "Abc1!" | make -sf Makefile run-hw1-intersection
Output: good
7 More DFAs (Optional Bonus)
You may attempt this bonus problem only after completing the rest of the assignment.
Your Task
Use your HW1 solution to create another DFA.
Submit it as an automaton XML element in a file named extradfa1.xml.
It must be a new DFA you come up with. It cannot be a DFA that we have seen in class or homeworks. Slight tweaking of previously seen DFAs doesn’t count either.
If your DFA is interesting enough, it may be added to this homework’s test suite.
For this task, you may submit up to three DFAs. Each extra DFA you submit is worth 1 bonus point, for a maximum total of 3 bonus points.