On this page:
1 Graph Components
2 Verifying Graph Components
3 The Bin Packing Problem
4 The Partition Problem
5 Some NP Closure Operations

Homework 11

Last updated: Tue, 4 May 2021 16:04:54 -0400

Out: Wed April 28, 00:00 EST Due: Tue May 4 Wed May 5, 23:59 EST

This homework covers material from Chapter 7 of the textbook.

Homework Problems

  1. Graph Components (6 points)

  2. Verifying Graph Components (6 points)

  3. The Bin Packing Problem (6 points)

  4. The Partition Problem (6 points)

  5. Some NP Closure Operations (3 + 3 = 6 points)

  6. README (2 points)

Total: 32 29 points


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  • and each file must be assigned to the correct problem in Gradescope.

1 Graph Components

Updated the problem description on May 5. Edits in bold.

A component in a directed graph is a subgraph in the graph where all the nodes in that subgraph are connected to each other by a path, but not to any nodes not in that subgraph.

Show that the following language is in \textbf{P}:

\textrm{2COMPONENTS} = \{\left\langle G\right\rangle\mid G\textrm{ is a directed graph and has at least two components}\}

2 Verifying Graph Components

Show that the \textrm{2COMPONENTS} language from Graph Components is in \textbf{NP}.

You must use the verifier definition of \textbf{NP}.

3 The Bin Packing Problem

In the bin packing problem, the language \textrm{BIN} is the set of strings \left\langle I, k , b \right\rangle, where:

such that I can be divided into k subsets, i.e., "bins", where the total size of each subset is less than or equal to b.

For example, \left\langle\{1,2,3,4,5,6\},3,7\right\rangle\in\textrm{BIN} because the items can be separated into 3 subsets \{1,6\},\{2,5\},\{3,4\}, where the total of each subset is less than or equal to the size of a bin, 7.

Show that the bin packing problem is in \textbf{NP}.

4 The Partition Problem

The \textrm{PARTITION} language contains all sets of integers S such that S can be split into two subsets where adding all the elements of each subset produces the same total.

For example, \{1,2,3,4\}\in\textrm{PARTITION} because it can be divided into two subsets \{1,4\},\{2,3\} whose elements both sum to 5.

Show that if you figure out a polynomial time algorithm for the bin packing problem from The Bin Packing Problem, then \textrm{PARTITION}\in\textbf{P}.

5 Some NP Closure Operations

Show that the \textbf{NP} class of languages is closed under the following operations:

UPDATE: This question only has one part.

  • intersection

  • complement