On this page:
Before Submitting

Homework 12🔗

Last updated: Mon, 25 Nov 2024 10:22:28 -0500

Out: Mon Nov 25, 2024, 12pm (noon) EST

Due: Wed Dec 04, 2024, 12pm (noon) EST


In this assignment, we will continue adding features to our "CS450 Lang" "high-level language". By continuing to use the design recipe, however, even advanced features can be added in a straightforward way.

This hw will be graded accordingly:

  • correctness (16 pts)

  • design recipe (32 pts) (testing 20 pts)

  • style (10 pts)

  • README (2 pt)

Total: 60 points


Create a new repository for this assignment by going to the CS450 Fall 2024 GitHub Organization and clicking "New".

Note: The CS450 Fall 2024 GitHub Organization must be the owner of the repository. Do not create the repository in your own account.

On the "Create a new repository" screen:
  • Name the repository hw<X>-<LASTNAME>-<FIRSTNAME> where <X> is the current homework number.

    For example, I would name my hw12 repository hw12-Chang-Stephen.

  • Mark the repository as Private.

  • Check "Add a README file".

  • Select the Racket template for the .gitignore.

  • Choose whatever you wish for the license.

When done click "Create repository".



Notes and Reminders


In this assignment, we will add user-defined "lambda" functions to our "CS450 Lang" programming language.

(Note that this assignment can be completed using only information given in the lecture notes. It does not require solutions for any previous homeworks.)

Specifically, write the following functions to accommodate the Data Definitions below. Note that in some instances, the exact data definition is not specified and is left up to you to design.

As usual, you must follow the The Design Recipe (and it will be difficult to complete the assignment if you do not).


Data Definitions

Before Submitting🔗


Before submitting, note:
  • Do not submit until all code has been thoroughly tested (by you).

  • Assignments may or may not use a GradeScope Autograder, but either way, an Autograder is not a software development tool so do not use it as one. Code must be tested independent of any Autograder.

  • If you submit and get an Autograder error, this means the code you wrote is not complete and/or not correct and it’s up to you to figure out why.

  • Of course, the course staff is here and eager to help, but cannot do so if a student does not explain what they’ve tried first (e.g., "why is the Autograder giving an error?" is not something we can help with). At the very least you should report what error you are seeing and which part of the error message you do not understand.

  • The Autograder test suite is subject to change. This means that the visible grade seen during submission is not the final grade.


All code should follow proper Racket Style.

Also, the repository itself must follow proper style. Specifically, it must have appropriate commit messages. See How to Write a Git Commit Message if you are unsure how to write a commit message.


A submission must have the following files in the repository root:


When you are done, submit your work to Gradescope hw12. You must use the "GitHub" Submission Method and select your hw<X>-<LASTNAME>-<FIRSTNAME> repository.

Note that this is the only acceptable way to submit homework in this course. (Do not manually upload files and do not email files to the course staff. Homework submitted via any unapproved methods will not be graded.)